Everyone at Import Meet would like to express our sincere condolences to anyone who has been affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in the last few weeks. I personally know a few people who live in Japan (all are ok) and this really put things in perspective for me. Show how much you care and please donate to the Red Cross in their aid effort for Japan.
Thoughts and Prayers with Japan During this Crisis…
Matt Haugness
Matt created ImportMeet.com in 2011 after noticing a lack of media websites dedicated exclusively to import cars. Although he's employed as an engineer and has no formal training in journalism, his skills continue to develop as the editor for the site. He enjoys writing feature car articles, technical build/project articles, and organizing events. Matt drives a 2023 Honda Civic Type R and a 1990 LS-swapped Mazda RX-7.
1 Comment
Yeah, watching some of the videos it’s pretty scary stuff… Couldn’t even imagine dealing with that kind of stuff here.