2015 may be the year of the exotic drift cars within the D1GP circuit! Here’s what looks like a cell phone video of Yoichi Imamura spending some time testing his new Lexus LFA drift car. From what I hear it will be powered by a Toyota V8 rather than the…
After meeting JJ briefly at StanceWars 2014 we instantly knew how much of a car guy he was. You can tell that he loves the scene and building works of art. We can’t wait to see what he does with the 458! “DOCZILLA” profiles Vancouver physician and automotive enthusiast, Dr.…
This year was the third year in a row that we have organized the annual XXX Import Meet in Issaquah, WA. Every year the turnout grows and the behavior of the participants improves.Photos by TK Akiyama, Kenny B. and 60° weather in early March is rare for Washington so…
We just had to share this awesome photo of two time attack styled Voltex equipped Honda S2000’s. This particular front bumper has recently taken off in popularity within the S2000 community because of its improved functionality and unique styling. We’ll definitely be sharing more of Cullen’s work in the future!…
It wasn’t until I received a comment on the last blog post following Project LSX-7 asking if the project was abandoned that I realized that it’s been nearly 2 years since I posted an update on the project. Yikes! A lot has happened in this time – none of which…
I’m happy to introduce the latest project vehicle for – my 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Off-Road! I picked up…